How to trigger visuals with drums

Trigger visuals with drums

Here is a video tutorials series on how to set up MIDI to trigger visuals with drums in Resolume Arena. I used a Roland TM-2 for playing, all the drum sounds, the bass lines and the spheric sounds are being triggered in Ableton Live. All the MIDI is send through Ableton Live before it is going to the VJ software, this way I am able to modify the MIDI e.g. translating the velocity values to VJ effects. So this way I am not only triggering clips but am able to control the different video effects by louder or quieter – Have a look how this is set-up. If you are interested in more video tutorials check my ABLETONDRUMMER video courses page!


How to create virtual / IAC MIDI connections on a MAC:…

How to create virtual MIDI connections on WIN:…

More video tutorials about Resolume Arena (and Avenue)

Part 2 on How to trigger visuals with drums:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Here is the Max for Live device you will need for that:

Part 5:

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