
Hi I’m Tobi Hunke and I quickly want to let you know what this blog and HP is about.

As a musician, drum teacher and Ableton instructor I decided to specify on the subject drumming with Ableton Live.



As a drummer myself for over 25 years having played in numerous bands, touring half of Europe and Japan I was drawn into electronic music while I was living in Bristol, England. Since then I was looking for a way to create electronic music and being able to perform electronic music live, which brought me to start using Ableton Live around 2007. Quickly I found out that there are quite a few options to use electronic drums with Ableton Live in various ways, and after years I finally found the system how to (re-)create the sound I was looking for. In my case this was and still is using acoustic drums with triggers, triggering fat kick drums for a D’n’B tune, playing bass lines with my kick drum and so on… – but sound became only one direction, in my current set ups I am using drums and e drums for triggering my light performance, switching mics on/off, start ‘n’ stop tunes and effects to name a few – and there are still new ways of integrating drums with Ableton Live I am finding out and I will find out in the future.

As there are many Ableton Live instructors out there I decided besides teaching the general Ableton Live stuff to concentrate on this drumming with Ableton Live subject, to offer something special and to be able to spend more time on this subject for my own projects and musical work.


As the AbletonDrummer I offer different services  – on one hand AbletonDrummer.com is a resource page/blog, where fellow drummers can find relevant information and tutorials, on the other hand this page is a way to present and advertise my online ourses and my teaching services, like my 1-to-1 online lessons via ZOOM. Of course there are a lot of tutorials on my Youtube Channel and there is a Facebook Group for AbletonDrummers for exchange and networking.

What else?

As I am doing lots of different musical and educational projects, I have lots of links to share with you. If you are not sure what you are looking for, which formats or subjects please just get in touch and we will find out if I can give you a hand, give you lessons, work with your band or project, do a workshop or speech at your university – we will find out. Just write me an email!

Hier gibt es einige Ableton Live Infos auf deutsch: AbletonKurse.de

off course I got an Youtube channel and Facebook-Page for Ableton Drummer as well.

Ego vs Emo

One of my last  musical project, where I write most of the music, play drums and do all the programming/fx processing/pre-production etc. You can watch us here.

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