Note Toggle All

The “Toggle All Notes” lets you toggle loops on/off in a Drumrack via included Simpler Instrument. If you are using a midi controller like an electronic drum kit this could come handy as you can easily re-pitch midi notes inside a midi track. Especially using electronic drums this device solves the big issue of “Note Off” messages. Note Offs usually being send automatic after the “Note On” message.

The “Toggle All Notes” device filters the “Note Off” from external midi. It just uses the “Note On” messages and converts those to Note On and Note Off alternately. This way loops will be toggled on and off.

How to use?

Just place the Toggle All Notes on a MIDI track in front of a Drumrack instrument and all incoming notes not will trigger samples/loops in a toggle mode, meaning every hit, push or Note On will trigger a Note On and Note Off alternately.

Set Up a Note Toggle for Ableton Live

How to set up the loop function in a Simpler?

Please follow the instructions in the manual for the “Note Toggle All” bigger brother device, The Note Toggle Drumrack. You find the manual here:

You can use the provided Simpler Loop Preset provided when you purchase the Note Toggle All

Using your live playing/incoming velocity

Per default the device is set to use the “LiveVelo” (=live velocity). This means the velocity of the incoming midi notes could be translated to the playback volume of the loops being triggered.

Note: velocity values will be only changing the playback volume of a sample/loop if the “Vel>Vol” parameter in the Simpler isactive’/not set to “0%”. Please refer to “Velocity to Volume” Chapter in this manual.

Using a pre-set velocity for all notes

You can set a forced output velocity for all notes. This could make sense if you don’t want any jumps in volume and don’t want to have a dynamic controlled playback volume. Just switch on the “SetVelo” and put in the velocity value you need.

pre-set outgoing midi velocity

Input Monitor

The Input Monitor will show you the last played incoming Midi note pitch and its note on velocity.

shows you the incoming MIDI notes

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