Andy Gangadeen Ableton Masterclass Video

Watch a masterclass video with Andy Gangadeen on Ableton Live. Andy is a UK based drummer combining acoustics and electronics drums for quite a while. I saw Andy playing live in Bristol (UK) here he was playing with his 100% impro band THE BAYS. One time they were even ‘improvising’ with a full orchestra.

In the one hour masterclass video he is going through his set-up and explaining in detail how he is using Ableton Live to re-sample and trigger sounds via his drums.

How to start with Ableton Live as a drummer

If you are interested to dive into how you can use Ableton Live as an (electronic) drummer, please check out my online course which is all about this subject HERE.

Video tutorial from Andy Gangadeen Ableton Live.
Screenshot of BBC page
set record length in Ableton Live
How to live loop Ableton
quantise audio and midi in Ableton Live Max for Live pack

You can find more Max for Live devices for live looping, advanced MIDI Control, live performance, missing functions for Ableton Live HERE!

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