Trigger Synced MIDI notes in Ableton Live

Synced trigger in Ableton

Ableton Live is a Digital Audio Workstation which lets you expand known concepts of performing music. You are able to create and program new techniques. I always wanted to be able to trigger MIDI note sequences via my drums and created the Melody Trigger Max for Live device for this purpose. But I wanted to … Read more

How to fix sustain in Ableton Live

Fix Sustain in ableton Live

MIDI Sustain in Ableton Live can be recorded and edited into a MIDI clip. You can as well use an external MIDI controller to send a MIDI Sustain Message into a MIDI track in Ableton Live. Unfortunately Ableton Live handles MIDI Sustain messages in a way which can lead to MIDI notes sustaining indefinitely. I … Read more

How to Play Next Scene in Ableton Live

select scene in Ableton Live

Ableton Live has two distinct views which allow for different workflows. One is called Arrangement View and is often used for composition, arrangement, and mixing. The other one is called Session View. For sketching out new ideas on the fly and live performances you want to use Session View In this post we’ll be looking … Read more

How to create locators in Ableton Live

Locators Ableton Edit

Have you ever wanted to create locators in Ableton Live based on clips positions?  Or create clips based on arrangement locator positions?  Now you can do both with the Arrangement Locator + guide Clip devices from Ableton Drummer.  If you work in the arrangement view of Ableton Live, using arrangement locators, can help your workflow. … Read more

How to display lyrics in Ableton Live

Lyrics with Ableton Live

Ableton Live is a great choice for live music performance. Unfortunately Ableton Live is not able to display lyrics natively. You would need 3rd party software or you could use one of my solutions for displaying lyrics and slides via Max for Live devices as presented here: How to show lyrics in Ableton Live In … Read more


Convert and change MIDI messages in Ableton

With the Convert Midi Devices Pack you can now easily convert any type of the three primary MIDI message types. If you are using Ableton Live for performing, producing, sound designing, or almost any situation, you’re probably using midi. Perhaps you use a midi controller for remote mapping the Ableton Live Set. Or you send … Read more