Max for Live devices can solve missing features in Ableton Live. Custom solutions can be created to enhance control and better workflows for (or performing with) Ableton Live . You can find a selection of devices I created below. If you are looking for a certain device, controls or functions:


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Max for Live devices for Live Looping Performances with Ableton Live

How to live loop Ableton
set record length in Ableton Live
quantise audio and midi in Ableton Live Max for Live pack

These plugins are tools for making live looping audio and midi fun with Ableton Live. The “One Button Live-Looper” reminds of hardware loopers but is giving you the flexibilty of Ableton Live in one box. “Fixed Clip Length” lets you automate and set recorded loop layers to a preset length. You can set automatic quantisation with the “Automatic Quantize Pack”.

Max for Live devices for Ableton Live’s Arrangement and performing with backing tracks

Set Up multiple Arrangement Control
Set up multiple loops in Arrangement View in Ableton.
Spontaneous looping in Ableton Live Arrangement View

The following devices are all about working with dynamic and flexible loop-sections of tracks and backing tracks. So those are exciting for people who are performing in Ableton Live’s Arrangement and need to set multiple points for repeating sections.

How to find Max for Live devices for a specific function


All devices which are free and available on a donation basis. Setting up multiple loops in Arrangement View, control ZOOM-Meetings from within Ableton Live and AUTO-Cue and select the next scene. Check them out here.

Free plug ins for Ableton Live


If you want to not only change MIDI notes velocity, pitch or length but use for example use your velocity to change the pitch this category is for you. MIDI monitoring, convert MIDI note velocity or speed to MIDI CC, change MIDI CC just to name a few things which are possible via my Max for Live devices. Check them out here!

MIDI devices for Ableton Live


One strength about Ableton Live is that it is customisable to your needs but some features are missing and can be solved via M4L. My Control devices are enabling dynamic tempo change, using MIDI notes to trigger parameters between pre-set values and much more. Check them out here!

M4L devices for controlling tempo and remote function.


Ableton Live is great for controlling synths and electronic drums and vice versa. To integrate and create a smooth workflow, M4L devices are the best option. I created devices for the Nord Drum 3P, the Roland SPD SX the Korg Volca Drum and many more. Check them out here!

Integrating music hardware with Ableton Live


I have released several collections and packs. Note to MAP, Tempo Control and a Velocity Pack. Check them out here!

Collection of Max for Live devices

Selection of Max for Live devices

Scroll down here to view a selection of my Max for Live devices with links to the manuals and tutorials.


“Melody Trigger” lets you set up note sequence triggering in real-time – not only for drummers!

Trigger Melodies in Ableton Live

Convert MIDI Messages Max for Live devices

Convert MIDI Notes to MIDI CC, Program Change and the other ways round.

Convert and change MIDI messages in Ableton

Continue Play

Continue in the Arrangement View in Ableton Live from the point you stopped.


Note To Chords lets you trigger chords with in-depth velocity control via one MIDI note. It comes with a lot of presets too.

Midi Remote Collection (for E drum pads)

These Max for Live devices are for setting up deep midi remote control via external midi hardware like the SPD-SX, BopPad, DTX-12, Drumkat and other (e drum) midi controllers. You are able to access more remote actions than access able via the native MIDI MAP function in Ableton Live (e.g. selecting tracks and solo them). You can create your own presets and store and recall them quick and easy!

SPD SX Control for Ableton Live / 3 Max for Live bundle

3 Max for Live devices to enhance the control between Ableton Live and the Roland SPD-SX. 

-Change Kits on your SPD-SX via Ableton Live

-Use FX buttons of your SPD-SX to control actions in Ableton Live

-control and automate the master sound effect section on your SPD-SX via Ableton Live

Note to Map Collection – 5 Max for Live devices

5 Max for Live devices for more flexible MIDI map control with MIDI note coming in from your external MIDI controller / electronic drum / drum pads for Ableton Live.

Ableton Drummer Collection One

This M4L collection consists of 7 devices:

Drum Rack Toggle Loop + Toggle All Notes

Both devices are very handy if you want to play loops in a Drum Rack in Ableton Live.

Drum Rack Tuner + Impulse Tuner

Both devices are re-pitching MIDI notes quick and easy.

Simple Step Sequence (short and long)

Those devices are designed to trigger short or long melodies via playing one MIDI note.

Round Robin V2

A M4L device to trigger different samples for one incoming MIDI note in round robin style.

Velocity to MIDI CC

Use MIDI Note On velocity to generate MIDI CC# messages.

Volca Drum Editor

Control and Edit your Korg Volca Drum from within Ableton Live

16 MIDI Remote Buttons

Set up your MIDI controller for custom control in Ableton Live

Chord Trigger Dial 7

Quick and easy for triggering complex chords in Ableton Live

Automate Record Quantisation

Access Record Quantisation via MIDI / Key Map or via automations

Automate Metronome

Automate the On/Off state of Ableton Live s metronome

Endless Notes

Have notes playing until the next note is being played.

Random Notes No Repeats

Set up a range of notes which will be triggered random and only repeat after all notes have been played.

MIDI CC Value Filter

Filter certain MIDI CC values

Simple Threshold

Set up a simple velocity threshold for MIDI notes.

MIDI Clip Quantize

Access MIDI clip quantisation via MIDI / Key Map or via automations.

MIDI Monitor Note + CC

Monitors MIDI Notes and MIDI CC coming in on one MIDI track.


Use MIDI velocity from Ableton Live to change a selection of sound parameters in Ableton Live.

SPD-SX Kit Selector V3

Change Kits on your Roland SPD-SX via Ableton Live.

Volca Drum Editor

Control you Korg Volca Drum via Ableton Live.